Seller FAQ
Some common questions from our sellers

Q: Is Friday the only day available to drop things off?
A: Unfortaunatly yes. Last sale we had the Thursday as well, but the Centre is not available for us this sale. Please allow at least 30minutes to have your items checked and to help display them.
Q: What happens if I don't collect my unsold/non-donated items on Sunday?
A: They get donated. Sorry, we do not have the space or logistics to hang onto your items for later collection.
Q: Do I have to do an inventory sheet?
A: If you plan to collect any items that don't sell, then yes. If you are planning to donate all of your items, then no- BUT we still highly recommend it so you can have an idea of how many items you're selling and what sold well.
Q: Does everything need to be put on hangers?
A: Well, no, you can bundle and bag things if you'd like, but it makes displaying and selling the items easier. We noticed people really like to see the items, and if they're in a bag or bundles they can't be looked at.
Q: Will I get my hangers back?
A: Unfortunately no. Our buyers will have an option to leave the hanger though after the sale, and sellers are welcome to collect as many as they would like for future sales. (Although most sellers will tell you, they bought just as many items on hangers than they sold!)
Q: I don't want to buy hangers. Where can I get some?
A: Email or msg us, K2, first. We have lots from last sale we're happy to share. Also you can post on the Private Seller FB Page, other sellers may have extra or leads on where you can get some. We found that Kmart and Baby Factory don't mind you going through their bins and collecting them! Just politely ask.
Q: I have my own second-hand selling business. Can I promote my items at this sale?
A: No, but you can add your logo/website to the price tag and information you'd like to if you want.
Q: Do I have to pin my tags onto the clothes? I don't want to damage it.
A: Well, yes. This is for consistent display for the sale, and you want to be sure they're secure so that the tag doesn't fall off while people are browsing the items.
Q: I don't have anything that I plan to keep if it doesn't sell, so any leftover can be donated. Do I need to come in on Sunday?
A: Nope! You're all set. Unless you'd like to help with packdown!
Q: When do I get the money?
A: Up to a week after the sale we will calculate your total, and send you an email once the transfer has been completed. We keep the inventory sheet and scan it back to you so you can see what you sold.